5 Valentine's Day Ideas for Travelers in a Long Distance Relationship

5 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Travelers
It can be hard to be away from your loved ones while you are traveling, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. You might find yourself several hours or more away from your significant other on your travel assignment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it a special, memorable holiday. In fact, it’s a great opportunity to make them feel special and find creative ways to celebrate your relationship despite the distance.
1. Use technology to your advantage
Technology is powerful! With programs like Facetime and Skype, it’s easy to have a “phone date” to see your significant other, even if they are halfway across the country. It might sound cheesy, but it can be romantic and cute to have dinner together via Facetime and laugh over some of your favorite memories. You can even send him or her their favorite meal from the restaurant where you had your first date. Send each other presents and open them together while you’re on video chat so you can see their reaction. If you are working a night shift, plan to chat earlier in the day or plan one of your shift breaks around your phone date.
2. Surprise your partner with an unexpected gift
There’s no better way to let your partner know you are thinking of them than sending them a surprise gift at work. No one knows them better than you, so pick the right gift to match their personality. Whether it’s flowers, candy, a singing telegram, or a new video game, your partner will be thrilled you put forth extra effort to surprise them while you’re not together.
3. Celebrate a different date
Who says you have to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th? Spend time with your partner crafting the dream trip that you’ll take together at the end of your current assignment. After all, one of the best perks of health care traveling is the ability to take vacations in between assignments, and it will give you something to look forward to together.
4. Get your friends to help
Call up one of your mutual friends for help making Valentine’s Day special. Mail a box of small surprise gifts along with clues for a mini scavenger hunt. Have your friend hide the gifts (a card, their favorite homemade cookies, a book they’ve been wanting to read, a framed photo of the two of you) around their place.
Then they can leave clues for where to find them. Tell your partner to call you when they get home and you can Facetime while you watch him or her find the presents. This is a great way to have fun “together” even if you aren’t in the same space!
5. Send them a Playlist or CD
Remember when couples used to make each other mix tapes?! Collect songs from some of your favorite memories that remind you of your significant other. You can burn a CD, download the songs and email them, or send them a personalized Spotify playlist. Listening to them will help your partner remember all the awesome memories you’ve made together, even though you’re apart right now.