Travel Nurse Stories: Endless Cultural Opportunities

Meet Abby Edwards, RN
Hi, I’m Abby Edwards, a Pediatric ER Nurse. I have been with Travel Nurse Across America for a year and a half now, and I love it! From the minute I spoke with my recruiter, Derek, on the phone, I knew that Travel Nurse Across America was the place for me! I love this company and all that they have to offer. I am originally from Marietta, Georgia, which is near Atlanta. I am the middle sister of three sisters in a close-knit family. I graduated from the University of Tennessee, and I am a die-hard college football fan…GO VOLS! I began my career as an RN in Nashville, Tennessee. I then traveled to Charleston, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C. And now, I am heading back home to Atlanta for a while. I love being a travel nurse as it has given me endless opportunities for seeing more of the country, meeting new people, and experiencing different work environments.
I also enjoy doing volunteer work overseas. I have lived and worked in Cozumel, Mexico. It was a fantastic way to enjoy the culture of the beautiful Caribbean! More recently, I returned from El Salvador where I was involved in a project doing clubfoot corrective surgeries on children. It was an amazing experience to be helping people in need. I was definitely meant to be a nurse, and I love what I do!
When I’m not at work or traveling, I enjoy playing sports. Sports are a great way to have fun and stay in shape. I enjoy everything from flag football to basketball, biking, running, and swimming. I also just finished my first triathlon! And, I am active in Bikram yoga…but I do not consider myself a health nut. I do, however, love to treat myself to a spa day every now and then, or an occasional shopping spree, or just relax at the movies. I’ve been skydiving twice, and I have been on a safari in Africa. If I live near the beach, I am there almost every day! I love life, I love traveling, and I look forward to many more adventures to come!
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