Pay it Forward Friday & Spreading Kindness

We’re Choosing to Spread Kindness
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart
Many people look at travel nursing as a dream job: exploring the most beautiful parts of the country, unencumbered by the things that typically hold someone back. However, reality can sometimes be quite different. As healthcare professionals, the patients’ needs always come first. As a travel nurse, you’re often without your support system, friends, and family. This can be incredibly isolating.
We Believe Kindness is Contagious
We believe that people can connect through kindness. While our nurses are spread to all corners of the country, occupying small towns, and blending into the crowd of big cities, we can forge a connection through giving. The positive effects of kindness impact everyone who witnessed the act. We can improve the day of dozens of people with one small deed. We want to harness that power.
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We Pay it Forward Friday
You make sacrifices, change lives, and show compassion to strangers – every single day. Your journey inspires us, and we want to thank you. That’s why #TNAAgivesback focuses on giving back to the industry that we love, by impacting the lives of travel nurses.
On the last Friday of each month, we invite you to pay it forward! #TNAAgivesback is an opportunity for our company to give back to nurses. In preparation for this 4-month parade of giveaways, TNAA staff participated in a month of service. We donated, created, and volunteered for 30 days creating camaraderie and a lasting impact in our communities. Inspired, we decided to invite everyone to participate! — Please note: This giveaway is closed.
How to Participate
- Follow TNAA on Instagram & Facebook.
- Share our Pay it Forward Friday post to your story.
- In your story, tell us about an organization that supports breast cancer survivors & fighters — tag the organization if you can!
- Comment “Done” on our Pay it Forward Friday post & tag a friend.
We will randomly select a winner who will receive a giveaway & we will donate $1 for each comment to their organization of choice.
TNAA’s Month of Service
During September, TNAA staff committed to 30 days of service. Since we employ a remote workforce, we wanted to engage every individual across our company regardless of location. Want some pay it forward ideas? Check out the ways our staff gave back, paid it forward, and connected through random acts of kindness.
Carly: Operation BBQ Relief
Carly said she felt blessed to be able to volunteer her time and efforts to Operation BBQ Relief. This organization provides meals to displaced residents and emergency personnel during times of natural and other disasters. OBR, established in May 2011, formed in response to a need for relief efforts in tornado-stricken Joplin, Missouri, where a massive tornado impacted about 50,000 residents. Volunteers from competition BBQ teams from 8 states answered the need to help feed displaced families, police, fire, National Guard, and emergency personnel. They have since gone all over the country, answering the call where there is a need. They just served their 3 millionth meal while in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian.
Amber: Wigs for Kids
Amber was inspired to cross off a bucket-list item: donating her hair. She was able to donate 14 inches to Wigs for Children. “I found the Month of Service to be very inspiring. It’s very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of life and forget what’s happening around us. Sharing our stories allowed me to connect with co-workers and learn what they’re doing to help others. I picked up some excellent ideas that I would love to utilize with my own family. I’m appreciative of our leadership team for supporting this endeavor and for sharing their own stories. The Month of Service was just one more opportunity to demonstrate our core values, and everyone who participated leads by example in this company, their families, and in their communities. I’m proud to be part of the TNAA community.”
Tyler: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Tyler serves on the board for Arkansas’ chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. AFSP joined a local bar for a fundraiser designed to spread a message. The group’s goal is simple: Save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide. During this fundraiser, the group spread some ultra-contagious happiness by partnering with Bark Bar, a space for dogs and their owners to relax and play. Focusing on how important our pets are to our emotional well-being, the group was able to educate and talk about suicide in an approachable way.
Brittney, Lauri, Olivia, Betsey, Amber, Michele, Carla, Brittni & Alicia: Paying it Forward
Brittney’s mother manages a retail store in Little Rock, Arkansas. Her mother told her about an employee who worked the early shift and recently, was having car trouble. He began walking to work, which took an hour each way, in the Arkansas summer heat. Brittney was inspired to get her coworker to join her in purchasing bus passes, so this man could get to work quickly and safely. This group of ladies also made and distributed “girl packs” — small toiletry bags filled with must-have items for young girls who might not have the means to access these supplies.
We hope you’re inspired to spread kindness with us.